​Monteagle Moves on Water Loss, Cleanup Initiative

by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer

At the July 22 workshop, the Monteagle City Council tasked city attorney Harvey Cameron with taking action to address two critical issues: $26,000 per year water loss at the Marshall Graves property and four structures in a state of disrepair stymieing the city’s cleanup initiative.

The water loss occurs because the water department must leave water running at the Marshall Graves property to avoid rust. The waterline dead-ends at the Graves property served by 80-year-old cast iron pipe. The city has infrastructure in place to tie Graves meter into a new line, but doing so will cut off water to the development houses Graves constructed on his property. As is the case with all developers, Graves is responsible for the infrastructure needed to supply water to homes on property he developed.

The city has agreed to pay for the cost of moving the meter and to supply and install a fire hydrant to serve the property, cost $2,600. In keeping with the councils’ recommendation, Cameron will notify Graves he has 90 days to satisfy all permitting requirements and install the necessary infrastructure including a six-inch line to service the hydrant. The city has agreed to move the meter and install the hydrant within 30 days of Graves completing his portion of the work. If Graves fails to comply within 90 days, the city will move the meter, cutting off water to the houses Graves constructed on the property.

“This [the water loss and negotiation with Graves] has been going on for three years,” said Alderman Ken Gipson. “It’s costing us money hand over fist.”

Advising the council on how to deal with the four owners who have failed to respond to requests to remedy the eyesore posed by structures in a state of disrepair on their property, Cameron said, “You need to do what you did with the Layne Avenue church.” Last year when the owner failed to respond to requests to address the problem posed by the dilapidated church, the city condemned the church, demolished the structure and placed a lien on the property to recover the cost of demolition.

At the council’s request, Cameron will notify the owners the four structures in disrepair have been condemned.

“I think it’s wonderful you’re cleaning up the town,” Cameron said.

Vice Mayor Tony Gilliam announced Police Chief Virgil McNeese had resigned. Gilliam cited “ongoing issues.” Gilliam declined to comment further.

Tapped as the new police chief, Jack Hill said, “I’m proud to take on the assignment. It’s a good move.” In his 10th year with the Monteagle Police Department, Hill served as assistant chief under McNeese.

Hill plans to do a complete equipment inventory and will get back to the council concerning the purchase of body cameras for officers. Hill will also pursue hiring additional police officers. In addition to McNeese, another officer recently resigned to accept a better job opportunity.

“I’d rather be patient than hire just anybody,” Hill said.

Revisiting the discussion about the road owned by Shan’s Chinese Buffet used for access to the ballpark and helipad, Gilliam said, “They’ve just been good to us allowing us to use the road. The city doesn’t have an easement on the property.”

Gilliam pointed out neighboring communities had helipads and that the location of the helipad on the ballpark property would hamper receiving grant money to improve the ballpark to a tournament caliber facility.

“Hosting tournaments would bring a lot of money into the town,” Gipson said.

The council meets in regular session July 29.

Request for Correction to July 25 Article ‘Monteagle Moves on Water Loss, Cleanup Initiative’

I represent Mr. Marshall Graves concerning the subject matter of your July 25 article in the Messenger. In this article you made several misrepresentations, including:

(a) that Mr. Graves is the owner of a property under discussion (indicated by statements to “the Marshall Graves property”);

(b) that Mr. Graves constructed structures on this property (indicated by the statement directed to “the development houses Graves constructed on his property”); and,

(c) that Mr. Graves is a developer (indicated by the statement “As is the case with all developers, Graves…”).

None of these statements are factually accurate. Furthermore, none of these statements were taken as direct quotes from the City Council meeting and so they serve as reckless characterizations and representations against Mr. Graves that could be alleged libel.

Due to the potential for reputational harm to Mr. Graves within the Monteagle community attributable to this article, I ask that you fact check and correct the statements made in this article to Mr. Graves’ ownership, construction, and identity as a developer. Additionally, this article did not clearly separate the “two critical issues” mentioned at the outset: the water line and the dilapidated properties. Consequently, the article can be read to indicate that structures on the property referred to as “the Marshall Graves property” were deserving condemnation. I ask that you additionally clarify that the properties “in a state of disrepair” are in no way connected to Mr. Graves.

I respectfully request that these corrections are immediately published on the site <sewaneemessenger.com> and in the paper’s next print circulation, and I advise that Mr. Graves reserves all legal rights concerning the substance of this letter.

Kevin Christopher, Principal, Rockridge Venture Law


Marshall Graves does not own the property under discussion in the Messenger story concerning the July 22, 2019 Monteagle City Council workshop as reported in the July 26, 2019 issue. The Plateau Holding Series of Stone Door Ventures, LLC, Chattanooga, Tenn., according to the State of TN Comptroller of the Treasury Real Estate Assessment Data, owns the property. It is classed as a subdivision recorded under the name Hickory Creek Properties, <tnmap.tn.gov>. The water meter for the subdivision is in the name of Plateau Holding Series of Stone Door Ventures, LLC, according to the Monteagle City Recorder office. However, all the city’s negotiations for nearly three years have been with Marshall Graves, according to the Monteagle City Recorder office. Marshall Graves is the sole member of the Stone Door Ventures, LLC, according to the Tennessee Secretary of State office. According to Monteagle Utility Manager John Condra, to avoid rust, the water department must leave water running in the city service line that connects to the subdivision meter. The city waterline dead-ends at the property. The city line is 80-year-old cast iron pipe. Condra said, “Graves wants a six-inch service line so he can build more houses.”

Kiki Beavers, Editor/Publisher of the Sewanee Mountain Messenger

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