SUD Nominates Slate of Candidates

by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer

At the Dec. 13 meeting, the Sewanee Utility District nominated the slate of candidates for the upcoming commissioner election. The board also discussed SUD’s $1,560,000 Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) grant application.

The board nominated Ellis Mayfield and Clay Yeatman as candidates for the Marion County commissioner’s seat which comes open in January. To qualify to serve as the Marion County board representative, the candidate must be a SUD customer residing in Marion County. Board President Charlie Smith said two other individuals had expressed interest in running for the seat and asked how they could become candidates. SUD manager Ben Beavers said Marion County customers could qualify as candidates until Jan. 3 by submitting a petition signed by 10 Marion County SUD customers. Petitions are available at the SUD office.

Voting begins Jan. 3, the first business day after the holiday, and continues through Jan. 24, during regular business hours at the SUD office. The January commissioner’s meeting will be held the fourth Tuesday, Jan. 24, instead of the third Tuesday, to allow more time for voting after the holiday. All SUD customers can vote in the election, not just Marion County customers. Regulations allow one vote per household.

Reporting on finances, Beavers said SUD was “in good shape financially” and would be able to meet the 15 percent matching funds requirement for the TDEC grant. Beavers said TDEC had received over 400 applications. He has not received any news on the status of SUD’s application. The grant, funded by American Recovery Plan money administered by TDEC, stipulates SUD must spend the money to address Inflow and Infiltration into the sewer system, the only category where SUD ranked deficient in a TDEC survey. The hydro excavator earmarked for purchase with the grant money is set to be delivered and will be paid for on a no-interest lease with option to buy contract until the grant money is received. Beavers said the hydro excavator was a budgeted purchase for 2023, and SUD could cover the cost if the grant money failed to come through.

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