​School Board Considers Programming, 2017–18 Budget

by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer

“In a consolidated middle school, new programming could be put in place without additional personnel,” said Director of Schools Amie Lonas at the May 1 Franklin School Board work session. This was in response to a question by board member Chris Guess about the impact of new programming on staffing requirements. The board reviewed an analysis of programming needs at both the high school and middle school levels. The board also reviewed 2017–18 budget considerations and a new policy on students in foster care.
In a presentation to the board in February, Franklin County High School Principal Roger Alsup outlined his vision for Franklin County students and the programming needed to make the FCHS “a top tier school.” The programming analysis identified the staffing needs and cost of implementing Alsup’s plan, taking into account changes needed at the middle school level to support the vision for the high school.
Alsup cited two critical areas: dual enrollment, honors, and Advanced Preparation (AP) classes and Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes. At the high school level, implementing the needed programming would cost $530,500 annually and require hiring an additional assistant principal and coach, and additional instructors in business, health science, choral, art, speech, English/language arts and driver’s education.
At the middle school level, needed programming changes focused on supporting the high school vision through enrichment opportunities and an increased emphasis on fine arts and CTE classes. If the schools remain separate, to implement the new programming would require additional certified staff—six full-time and one part-time—at a cost of $383,500 annually.
At the May 8 meeting, the board is expected to vote on the middle school question, deciding whether to renovate the existing middle schools, build two new middle schools, or build a single consolidated middle school.
Turning to other budget issues, the board reviewed proposed wage increases for several classes of non-certified employees in order to make their wage compatible with their responsibilities.
“Overall, there are very few changes from the 2016–17 budget,” said Assistant Superintendent Linda Foster.
The proposed changes included raising the wage for substitute teachers to $62.50 per day for non-certified teachers and $67.50 per day for certified teachers to help address a shortage of substitutes.
The board also reviewed proposed changes to the three-year coaching supplement approved in February. “The coaches asked if we could tweak a few items,” Foster said. The coaches suggested decreasing supplements at the middle school level, adding coaching positions at the high school level, and adding bowling as a recognized sport. The changes suggested by the coaches did not increase costs, Foster noted.
Board member Christine Hopkins said adding bowling as a sport could pose transportation problems since the students would need to practice at the bowling alley in Tullahoma.
Discussing related transportation issues, Lonas said she was researching allowing parents to transport student athletes to games, as was the policy in neighboring counties.
“There have been times when there was no bus driver available to transport student athletes,” Board Chairman Cleijo Walker pointed out.
Lonas said another option under consideration was paying coaches to acquire their CDL license and paying them for driving time when transporting student athletes.
Transportation questions also arose related to the new policy addressing students in foster care. The policy presumes “keeping students in the school of origin is in the students’ best interest.” Lonas said the school system might be required to provide transportation to the “school of origin” for foster students moving into the district.
The school board will meet at 5:30 p.m., Monday, May 8.
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