​Grundy County Volunteer Stars Awards Recipients

Several years ago Volunteer Tennessee initiated the Governor’s Volunteer Stars Awards, a recognition program designed to recognize the outstanding service of those who volunteer in various ways throughout their local Tennessee communities. This year, two award recipients, one youth and one adult in each county will be recognized by Gov. Bill Haslam on March 11. This celebration will illustrate the importance of civic participation and service to improve overall community norms. Representing Grundy County are Kendale James and Thomas Rollins.

“Volunteers play a critical role in the success of Tennessee communities across the state,” said Grundy County Mayor Michael Brady. “Through nonprofit organizations, national service programs, faith-based organizations, and neighbor-helping-neighbor, outstanding volunteer service is part of our state heritage. In fact, the annual value of Tennessee volunteers is $3.4 billion. As the Volunteer State, we must continue to foster this sense of service and civic responsibility. In an effort to encourage more Grundy County citizens to help improve our community through volunteerism, Volunteer Tennessee has instituted this statewide volunteer recognition program, the Governor’s Volunteer Stars Awards,” said Brady.
“The Grundy County Mayor’s Office is happy to help organize and promote volunteerism in Grundy County, while recognizing the efforts of those who go above and beyond the call of duty every day by making a difference in the lives of others,” said Brady.
The 2017-18 Governor’s Volunteer Stars Award Honoree in the youth category is Kendale James. Kendale is a 15-year-old honor student at St. Andrew’s-Sewanee School. Kendale and her parents Dale and Lisa James and brother, Kayson, live in Tracy City. She is the granddaughter of Buddy and Teresa Wiggins, and Larry and Susan James. She is a member of the SAS varsity volleyball team, clock operator for both the middle school and high school basketball teams, and an asset to the musical and technical theatre programs. She also has aspirations of becoming a marine biologist and recently applied to the Teen Volunteer Program at the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga.
Kendale is responsible for not only initiating, but also implementing, a county-wide program that benefits children. As part of the curriculum at St. Andrew’s-Sewanee School, all upper school students are required to obtain 15 hours of community service per year. Between her school and sports schedule, she was having a difficult time finding opportunities that did not interfere with her schedule.
She and her mom discussed programs that they had heard about in surrounding areas that collect new or very gently used small stuffed animals for police officers to carry in their patrol cars. The animals are then given to small children that have experienced, or are experiencing, a traumatic event.
Kendale loved the idea so she began doing some investigating. Concerned that Sheriff Shrum might not respond to an email from a young girl, she and her mom sat down and composed an email to the Sheriff asking if Grundy County had such a program. Kendale named her program “Buddy Bears.”
She explained, “These events could be a car accident, house fire, being removed from the home, or just being a witness to an event that scares them.” Sheriff Shrum quickly responded that Grundy County did not have such a program in place, but was happy to get on board.
Kendale began collecting boxes, making fliers and asking local businesses if they would be a drop-off location. She began to advertise via Facebook, and the response was overwhelming.
The partnership between the Grundy County Sheriff’s Office and Kendale has proven to be a successful one. “Buddy Bears” benefits the entire county and any visitors that meet with unexpected circumstances. In the first three months, more than 500 animals were collected. Due to limited storage space, Kendale asked for, and was granted, permission from Monteagle Police Chief, Virgil McNeese, to make donations to the Monteagle Police Department, which patrols in both Grundy and Marion Counties. Donations have slowed tremendously, so Kendale no longer makes rounds to collect bears, but gladly accepts donations when requested.
The 2017–18 Governor’s Volunteer Stars Award Honoree in the adult category is Thomas Rollins. Rollins and his wife live in Altamont. His service began more than 75 years ago when he entered into the military as a very young man during WWII. This Memorial Day found him placing American Flags on the graves of the 60 Veterans in his hometown cemetery as he has done for nearly two decades. He wears his Army uniform to participate in various patriotic events and to many schools. He speaks to the children about history and the value of education. He always reminds them that they are the future leaders of America.
When he served as Scout Master, he led may hikes through the forests of Grundy County and had numerous fishing trips. Thomas also served his community as fireman, alderman, and director on the Farm Bureau. He held an office in the local American Legion for 60 years and was on the first Grundy County Planning Committee. He is a member of the Grundy County Veteran’s Association. He has also served on two local cemetery committees with his presence, donations and physical labor.
“It is an honor to recognize Mr. Rollins and Ms. James as the Grundy County Honorees for the Governor’s Volunteer of the Year,” said Brady.
“Mr. Rollins is a true Patriot, through serving our country as a young soldier in WWII to being a true champion for our local veterans and their families at the young age of 91. Whether it’s serving on committees, plowing someone’s garden, or being the unofficial life guard at the local swimming hole, Mr. Rollins delights in serving others. His servant’s heart makes him a worthy honoree.
“Ms. James has exhibited, at a very early age, the wonderful traits of giving back to the community and a heart of wanting to make a difference. We are so thankful for all of our Volunteers,” said Brady.
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