​Community Council Circulating Housing Survey; Funding Decisions Pending

by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer

At the Jan. 22 Community Council meeting, representative Kate Reed asked council members to circulate a survey on behalf of the Housing Study Committee charged by the University to make recommendations on housing policy and practices, and to determine if current policy and practices met the needs of the community.
Development Economist Randall Gross created the survey. In June, the University retained Gross to assess market conditions in conjunction with advancing the Sewanee Village Plan. The Housing Study Committee, composed of faculty and staff, already circulated the survey in electronic form among faculty, staff and alumni.
Council representative Charles Whitmer suggested making an electronic version of the survey available to community members and announcing the survey on the community online bulletin board Sewanee Classifieds. For those community members not on the online bulletin board, please contact a council representative for a survey.
In addition to contacting Community Council representatives to access a paper version of the survey, the Lease Office has also agreed to help provide surveys. There are paper copies of the survey at the Lease Office and completed surveys can be returned to the Lease Office. Surveys should be returned by Feb. 4.
Community Funding Project Chair Pixie Dozier said the review committee had voted to recommend four grant proposals with decisions on three other proposals pending. The council sponsored program earmarks $10,000 annually to fund projects that enhance the community and improve the quality of life of residents. The council will award $20,000 in 2018 since no awards were made in 2017.
Funding the four projects already approved for recommendation will leave a balance of $9,800, Dozier said. The review committee has asked for additional proposals with an April 1 deadline and suggested the committee wait until then to make recommendations to the council.
Provost Nancy Berner pointed out awarding the full amount requested to the other three candidates would use up the entire $20,000 earmarked for 2018 disbursement.
Whitmer stressed some of the proposals were timely and recommended an earlier final-approval vote by the council.
The council will meet on Feb. 26 to vote on the committee’s confirmed recommendations.
Updating the Council on discussion with a group of community members who recommend formation of a Parks Commission, Berner said she and Vice Chancellor John McCardell “agree it would be a good thing.” The outstanding question according to Berner is who will the commission report to, the Community Council or the Sewanee Civic Association (SCA)?
“The issue is where the authority resides to receive the Parks Commission’s recommendations,” McCardell said.
Providing background, SCA Parks Committee chair Stephen Burnett said the Parks Commission idea arose out of discussions about how to address the Ball Park’s desperate need for renovation and rehabilitation. The SCA spearheaded restoration of Elliott Park and provides oversight for the Dog Park.
Burnett noted that no other group reported to the Community Council. The question of who was responsible for maintenance at other Sewanee parks also entered into the equation, Burnett pointed out.
On behalf of council representative Pam Byerly, who is overseeing the project, Berner announced the annual Community/Greek Life Clean-up Day planned for early March. PKE sorority will spearhead the student campaign. Facilities Management will supply black plastic garbage bags, Berner said, and the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department will pick up filled bags. Byerly hoped council representatives would help organize cleanup efforts in their districts.
“In the past, I did my road and got others in the neighborhood to help,” council member Louise Irwin said.
The council will receive details about the date of the cleanup by email.
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