​Sewanee Council: Project Updates and Resolutions

by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer

The Sewanee Community Council took on a full agenda at the Oct. 26 Zoom meeting. The council heard updates on the Community Funding Project, Community Clean-up, and Housing Sewanee, approved a resolution on Race and Reconciliation, and presented a resolution of appreciation to former vice chancellor and council chair John McCardell.

Council member Theresa Shackelford drafted the resolution honoring McCardell. Expressing gratitude for the recognition, McCardell joked about how the council had evolved from dealing with the Environmental House’s pet rooster and a neighbor’s noisy dogs to addressing issues in a manner that responded “to more widespread and community concern.” In closing, McCardell thanked council members for their “friendship, support, and dedication to the welfare of the community.”

Council representative Eric Keen’s resolution, Race and Reconciliation in Sewanee, a Statement of Community Support, underscored the work of the Roberson Project’s research on race and the Board of Regents commitment to make Sewanee a “model of diversity.” The resolution acknowledged “the central role of the chattel and enslavement of African-Americans…in the founding, financing and planning of the University...and the suppression of opportunity for African-American residents.” Among other aims, the resolution called for reconciliation “through conversations on racial, social, and economic justice” and University policies “on fair wages and housing access.”

Council representative Mary Priestley observed “others have something in the game who are different from us” and expressed concern about “having discussions about what doesn’t effect me.” Priestley also questioned whether it was the council’s role to dictate University policy on wages and housing.

Council representative Phil White pointed out “Historically the council arrives at positions on various issues… but we have no legislative power. I see this resolution as a statement of the mind of the present council.”

Providing an update on utilizing the $15,700 available in Community Funding Project money for COVID-19 related needs, council member Kate Reed said she expected it would be “a tough winter.” Reed asked council members to help make nonprofits with COVID needs aware they could apply for funds online via a form at the Lease Office website. Reed also put out a call to council members who wished to serve on the review committee and asked them to contact her via email. Provost Nancy Berner said with the new year there was an additional $10,000 available to the Community Funding Project.

Looking ahead, Priestley said Sallie Green had offered to include expenses for the April Arthur Knoll Community Clean-up in the Lease Office budget. The Lease Office will cover the pickup, materials, and day-end meal costs.

Reporting on Housing Sewanee initiatives, Dixon Myers said the first energy efficient home, recently completed, would reduce the homeowner’s combined mortgage and energy expenses to only $400-$450 per month. The Demonstration Building constructed next to the home showcases the energy-efficient systems the home features. When pandemic restrictions relax, Housing Sewanee will offer tours at the demonstration facility, Myers said. The new energy efficient home is in Sherwood Springs, where Housing Sewanee acquired eight lots as sites for zero-percent interest homes. Historically, Housing Sewanee built homes on University leaseholds where the lessee resided in substandard housing. The project began in 1993. Housing Sewanee has built 18 homes.

Updating the council on cell tower progress, Berner said Vogue Towers was working through the approval process with the State Historic Preservation Office. Plans call for the tower to be operative by mid-2021.

Six council seats are open for election, one in each of the four districts and two at-large seats. Early voting is ongoing at the Lease Office through Oct. 30, during regular business hours. Council representative Anna Palmer will devise a method for residents to vote remotely. On Nov. 3, community council voting takes place at Sewanee Elementary School.

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