SCA Learns about Undoing ‘Symbolic Annihilation’

by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer

At the Feb. 22 Zoom meeting, Sewanee Civic Association members and guests heard from Woody Register, Roberson Project director, about the projects work to undo the “symbolic annihilation” of African Americans with Sewanee roots who are notably “absent” and “unrepresented” in the archival history of the University and town. In the business portion of the meeting, SCA Co-President Kiki Beavers introduced a new project to collect nonfood donations to supplement the services provided by the Community Action Committee food pantry.

Illustrating the meaning of “symbolic annihilation,” Register showed photograph’s from Sewanee’s “white” archives in which “black people are present in their non-presence.” A 1914 student photo of four African American University employees gives no names, just the caption “Help.” In a 1903 football team photo, the caption names all the players and coaches, but not the single black face in the photo, believed to be the trainer.

The task of the Save Sewanee Black History Project is “to build an enduring archive and active program of public education,” Register said. “To recover, preserve, and publicly share the 160 year record…of African Americans who helped shape its [Sewanee’s] history.”

To that end, two years ago the project began work archiving by hosting “digitization” fairs inviting African Americans with Sewanee roots to bring photos and documents to be scanned and to give oral histories. The website <> showcases the collected memories. An initiative led by student Bonner scholars will post historical markers memorializing five locations dear to the African American community: the site of the Kennerly School, St. Mark’s Mission Church, the black cemetery, the black swimming pool, and Willie Six field and playground. The markers will feature CRT code links to more information. A heritage trail travelling through the historic African American neighborhood will serve as a “walking classroom.” A film, “Making Our Way,” created by Memphis filmmaker Zaire Love, gives voice to African Americans with Sewanee roots and students of color. Reaching into the valley, the project plans archival work documenting the black Asia Elementary School and Townsend High School, Franklin County’s segregated high school for African Americans until 1966.

Highlighting the significance of the African American community, Register said, “Black people added value and sweat…Sewanee is enlarged by seeing the connections [to African Americans] both beyond Sewanee and within.”

Introducing the “March for the Supply Drive,” the first project of the SCA Treasures for the Chest initiative, Beavers explained, “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits cannot be used to purchase nonfood items.” The drive hopes to fill the gap of unmet needs the CAC food bank and SNAP benefits cannot satisfy by collecting cleaning supplies, paper products, household supplies, detergent, menstrual products, diapers, other personal care items, and pet food. Contributions can be taken to donation sites March 21-30 in downtown Sewanee and on campus (locations to be announced soon) or dropped off at the CAC office from 1–3 p.m., Thursday, March 31. All monetary donations made March 21–30 at specific Sewanee businesses (TBA) will be designated for the CAC. To help with the project, contact Beavers at <>. Lauren Goodpaster with the Office of Civic Engagement is coordinating on campus efforts.

Updating members on other business, Beavers said the Community Chest fund drive was just 2 percent from reaching its goal, pending the receipt of outstanding pledged donations. The SCA invites nomination for the 2022 Community Service Awards, deadline March 4. Send nominations to <>.

The SCA will announce community service award recipients at an in-person meeting at 6 p.m., Tuesday, April 26, in Kennerly Hall. The membership will also hold a vote to approve the budget and elect the following slate of officers: President, Kiki Beavers; Vice President, Ken Taylor; Secretary, Millicent Foreman; Treasurer, Husnain Ahmad; Member at large, Carl Hill; and Member at large, David Michaels. Bentley Cook has agreed to continue as Director of Classifieds, an appointed position.

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