Bodyworks Youniversity Wellness Studio Has a New Home

After 6 years of trying to build a commercial space in Sewanee, Bodyworks Youniversity Wellness Studio is moving to a new location, just a little bit different than expected.

In early September of 2021, Bodyworks owner Kim Butters found herself not only looking for a permanent personal residence for herself, her husband and two dogs but a business location as well. Butters said “Our building project seemed to stay just out of reach due to skyrocketing costs and other obstacles. Our lease at the American Legion Hall was up in November. Other arrangements were not working out, and I was feeling a bit desperate to find a place for my growing business and five contract employees. I have always seen my business as a ministry of wellness that God has gifted me with, so naturally I turned to God in prayer and said ‘Help! What now?’”

Butters and her husband Bob had often walked past the house at 293 Ball Park Rd., and admired it, but when it went up for sale, thought it out of their price range for a personal home. It soon came under contract and Butters did not give it another thought until after her prayer. “I kept feeling impressed to go look at that house. I ignored it for a few days but finally gave in and told Bob that we should just go look in the windows.” When they did, Butters was amazed at the size of the rooms and it began to dawn on her that it was large enough to be both a personal residence and a studio, as well as space for her husband’s landscaping and environmental writing work.

The house was already under contract to another party but Bob and Kim put in a back-up bid thinking that if it was God’s will, it would happen for them. Two weeks later, on Kim’s birthday, their friends at Sewanee Realty called to say they had become the primary contract on the house. Things quickly fell into place and they closed on the house at the end of November. The American Legion Hall generously extended the Bodyworks lease until the end of February to allow Butters time to do necessary repairs and remodeling so the business could open at the new location.

The house was built in 1948 by Carl Reid, a stone mason for the University and later head of Plant Services for many years. The home is a beautiful “time capsule” full of recycled and repurposed materials from older University buildings. The unique surroundings will be the perfect setting for the restorative work that Kim, her fitness instructors, and massage therapist will offer and hopefully a “tiny vacation” from clients’ busy lives where they can de-stress and unwind. A healthy body, mind, and soul is the goal.

There are two large rooms in the house — one will become the classroom (for Pilates mat work, fitness classes, and yoga) and the second room will be set up with the Pilates equipment (for private, duet, and trio sessions). Matthew Sias, LMT, has remodeled the garage into a cozy but much larger space for his massage therapy work. The driveway has been reworked to allow for six or more parking spaces for clients and additional room for instructors’ parking.

Bodyworks Youniversity plans to move their classes and sessions to the new location at 293 Ball Park Rd., on Monday, Feb. 28. Stay tuned for the announcement of a Grand Opening date to welcome the community to the permanent home of the Bodyworks Youniversity Wellness Studio.

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