Franklin County Schools: Zoning Complaint, Promotion, Drugs

by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer

Addressing the board at the Aug. 14 Franklin County School Board meeting, Clark Memorial Elementary Principal David Carson took issue with current bus-route zoning arguing it deprived Clark Memorial students of crucial social interactions. In regular business, Elementary Supervisor Kim Tucker reported on how the district successfully navigated the Tennessee third-grade retention law making it a road to fourth-grade promotion. The board approved implementing a fifth-grade drug-abuse prevention program, “Too Good,” taught by school resource officers.

Clark Memorial Principal Carson pointed to eight residential neighborhoods where changes in bus-route zoning resulted in students living there having transportation to Decherd Elementary, not Clark Memorial. “We need those kids back in our schools,” Carson said, stressing the importance of positive role models. “Students follow students … A large population of students from my school needs to see classmates from middle class families.” In the center of the cluster of eight residential neighborhoods was a trailer park, Carson pointed out, and it was zoned for Clark Memorial. Carson gave the example of the Holly Hills subdivision which was 1.8 miles from Clark Memorial and 3.6 miles from Decherd, with several major intersections in between, yet the bus route transported students to Decherd. “Neighborhoods in Winchester schools should be zoned for Clark Memorial,” Carson insisted. “[The bus zones] don’t make sense.”

Elementary Supervisor Tucker said just 183 of the 381 third-grade students tested at the end of the 2022-2023 school year scored “proficient” for promotion to fourth grade. However, only 10 students were retained. Tucker explained “the steps” to promotion. When students retook the test, 26 more scored “proficient.” Parents of 38 students successfully appealed the decision not to promote. Eighteen students successfully completed summer school and were promoted. Of the remaining students, 116 entered fourth grade and are receiving tutoring to supplement their learning. “The parents’ decided retention was the best course of action” for the 10 students retained, Tucker said. “The [promotion process] went as well as it could have, even though it was a high stress time.”

Providing an overview of the “Too Good” drug abuse prevention program, county Mayor Chris Guess said the 10-lesson program was similar to the DARE program. Guess pointed to “the decision-making process” lesson as key. “The decision [kids] make needs to become habit,” Guess stressed. A two-day training program certifies SROs to teach the class. Students receive a certificate and binder when they complete the program, “swag” made possible by the grant law enforcement received. Board member Sarah Marhevsky suggested guidance counselors teach the program. Guess argued SROs were better equipped to explain the consequences of drug abuse, that an SRO’s uniform conveyed “authority,” and that the program helped build a positive relationship with law enforcement. The Franklin County Sheriff’s Department taught the class in the past, Guess said, but with only two trained SROs. The SRO from each school will teach the class.

The board also approved two policy amendments set aside for further review in July. The amended Appearance Before the Board policy calls for a 30-minute public comment period at the beginning of each meeting, with speakers limited to three minutes each to address agenda items and other issues at the board’s discretion. Board member Lance Williams pointed out individuals who formally requested permission to address the board before the meeting would still be allotted five minutes to speak. The Attendance policy amendment allows teachers to grant additional time to complete makeup work following an absence.

Clarifying the policy amendment approved in July limiting students to accruing up to $10 for lunch charges, Director of Schools Cary Holman said, “Students are never denied lunch. It’s against the law.” Holman explained the rule limited what students could charge for extras such as “ice cream.” Parents will be notified weekly of charges students make. Six county schools offer free breakfast and free lunch.

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