Monteagle Council Split Vote on Two Issues

by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer

At the Nov. 27 meeting, the Monteagle Council lacked unanimity, failing to approve employee raises, and was divided on a business permit decision, with the mayor breaking the tie. The council unanimously approved closing Sunset Rock Road after discussion about pedestrian access.

“Only 50 percent of the employees will get raises, the police department and office personnel,” said alderwoman Dorraine Parmley objecting to the mid-year employee raises proposed. “I won’t agree to it unless they all get raises. No one is more important than anyone else.”

“We’re trying to get [employees] to a level playing field,” said Mayor Greg Maloof. “It’s not a cost of living raise. It’s just a stop gap to get us to the next fiscal year.”

Alderman Nate Wilson acknowledged the need “to increase the base salary of the police,” since the department “was losing employees due to attrition.” Wilson suggested increasing the starting wage for police only.

“I want all employees treated fairly,” said alderwoman Jessica Favaloro. “That’s not what’s happening in this case.”

Favaloro, Parmley, and Wilson voted against the ordinance providing for the raises, with only alderman Dan Sargent voting, yes.

Resident Dean Lay requested a business permit for a “auto-truck detail and auto-diesel repair” facility at 800 Dixie Lee Avenue. Wilson said Lay would need to take his request to the Board of Zoning Appeals because an ordinance passed in September mandated the BZA approve new semitruck repair facilities and truck stops. Lay said at present he did not plan on the facility servicing semitrucks, but acknowledged, “I don’t know what the future market will be.” Lay pointed out trucks had been parking on the lot since 1977 and mechanics came to the site to perform repairs. Wilson suggested approving the permit conditionally depending on the town planner’s review of the business description to determine if BZA approval was required. Favaloro and Wilson voted against unconditional approval of the permit, with Parmley and Sargent voting to approve. Maloof voted yes breaking the tie.

Discussing the ordinance to close Sunset Rock Road, Wilson commented the community enjoyed walking there, and asked Monteagle Sunday School Executive Director Scott Parrish if the road would be open to pedestrians. The Assembly now owns all the property on the road. Parish said the Assembly would “not block pedestrian access … Our only concern is vehicle traffic. We expect more pedestrian and bicycle traffic.” Lay suggested a written document “preserving” pedestrian access in the future. “It would be complicated to codify public access to the road,” Wilson acknowledged. He asked the minutes for the meeting note the Assembly’s willingness to allow pedestrian access to the road.

The council also approved an ordinance to rezone the Dubose property from Institutional to C-2 commercial and to move forward with applying for American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to develop an asset management plan. The ARP funding Monteagle is scheduled to receive requires the town to have an asset management plan, said city engineer Travis Wilson. The planning grant for up to $375,000 requires a 25 percent match ($93,000) from the city. Only a few municipalities were invited to apply, T. Wilson stressed. Nov. 30 was the deadline for accepting or declining. “You can leave the money on the table, if you don’t use all of it,” T. Wilson pointed out. “You only match the money you take.”

Looking to the future, Sargent suggested the council consider a 3 percent gasoline tax. “The tax would mostly be born by tourists,” Sargent observed. By law, the town can only levy a gasoline tax to pay for large expense projects. “Future water and sewer projects will cost millions,” Sargent said. Maloof will investigate further.

The Monteagle Christmas parade starts at 2 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 9. The Christmas Festival will be in Harton Park from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and includes food trucks, vendors, games for kids, cookies, cocoa, and visits with Santa after the parade.

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